Who We Are
BridgeAble is an initiative in the philanthropy/volunteering strategy and consulting space with a service mission, offering its services on a pro bono basis. We bring ideas and experience in building strategies for philanthropists and volunteers. Next, we assist in building “bridges” between them and social impact initiatives. Bridges that lead to the achievement of philanthropic goals of those who wish to give. Bridges that unlock talent /capital for social impact initiatives.
With a tangible rise in the desire to give, supporting those who wish to chart their giving journey is in and of itself an impactful service that we are proud to provide. As families, individuals, corporates and institutions set out to give, they may need assistance in creating their philanthropic plans and determining how they should implement those plans. BridgeAble comes in here as a voice of experience presenting ideas and road maps.
Our Team
What We Do
Effective giving no doubt requires passion and commitment, but it also needs a giving strategy, finding the right giving opportunity and sustainability.
Ideas and meaningful planning are key in this process. In order for it to be effective and sustainable, BridgeAble brings knowledge tailored to the giver’s philanthropic/ volunteering values and the needs on the ground. We support families, individuals (individual social responsibility), corporates (CSR) and others as they look to establish or grow their giving quotient by
Assisting donors/volunteers develop their giving strategy
Featured Programs
Resource available in the community
Straits Times article on Reachable Fund
Straits Times article
Tamil Murasu article on Reachable Fund
Tamil Murasu
Tabla article about Reachable Fund
Tabla article
Tabla Article on Silver Screen under Stars Project
Tabla article
Tamil Murasu profiles the BridgeAble Team
Tamil Murasu